Monday, October 3, 2011

My Top 5 Pins

So, I'm officially addicted to Pinterest!  I'm a visual person, and this is just perfect for me!  As a result of my addiction, I thought I would share with you my top five favorites for the week.  Drum roll please.............

How creative!  I can't really tell from the picture, but I'm thinking that if we add a brad students can move the hands. 

Sticky notes!!!  Oh how I love sticky notes.  The possibilities are endless.  I just need a working printer in my classroom.

We have been having a lot of discussions in my class about genres.  I like this particular foldable, because the visual allows students to see what genres are considered fiction.

I'm into foldable right now and this wikispace,, is full of ideas.

This would be a great way to practice suffixes and prefixes.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Great ideas from Pinterest! Thanks for sharing! I just pinned them all and am checking out the foldables site right now!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thank you for sharing these! I love the clock idea!

Ms. Preppy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

How cute is that clock?! Thanks for sharing!

Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots

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