Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bringing in the New Year!

There are two fabulous Linky Parties going on right now to share your New Year's resolutions.  Who doesn't like a good Linky Party?!?

Truth:  I have never been big on making New Year’s resolutions.  I do have a reason behind it, and it’s all personal.  I feel that I make goals on a daily basis, so why do I need to wait until the year turns to make a big one?  Yes, it may sound a little silly and maybe it is just an excuse,but this year I’m writing them down for all to see. :-)

1.  Don’t take anything for granted! 
2.  Drink more water.   
3.  Of course, get more exercise.

1.  Carry a timer!  When I say you have so many seconds, I follow through!   
2.  Get the talking under control.  I was out of the classroom for a total of 20 school days this past quarter.  I have to start the New Year like it's a new school year.   
3.  Expose my students to a larger variety of genre.
    1.  Set specific goals.  
    2.  Stay focused.   
    3.  Do more networking.

     Do you make New Year's resolutions?  What's yours?

      3 HOOTS:

      Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

      Great Goals!!!
      I need a timer on me too!!!! I can never plan & time myself propery and I never finish what I want to finish. Def. something I have to work on!!!

      Thanks for linking up!!!

      ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
      A Teacher's Treasure

      Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

      Thank you so much for linking up! I think that we are all guilty of taking things for granted. I sooo need to drink more water. I just love my Diet Dr Pepper! :-)
      Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

      Kate said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

      Great goals! I love the one about the timer-- my first school I taught at (charter school) required us to have timers and use them. When I switched schools I often forget to use my timers! Thanks for sharing!

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