Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Go Green Strategy

Do you have a set of flashcards laying around?  Maybe a set of play money or mini Judy clocks?  How about a set of reading response cards?  Ask 'n' Switch is a great strategy to use with these items.  Simply whip out a set, and you instantly have an activity for reviewing or closure of a lesson. 

We always have scratch paper available from our recycle box.  Have students make their own card to quiz each other.  For example, in Social Studies we study Missouri History.  After studying the regions of our state, I had my students write one fact from any region they chose.  On the backside, they wrote the region associated with the fact.  We created an instant set of Ask 'n' Switch cards, learning was differentiated, and a fun interactive activity was put into motion.

I love this strategy!  It is definitely one of my favorites!  What other ways could you use this in your classroom?


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I like this activity. I already use flashcards alot because they are easy to pull put and put way. I never tried this strategy before but I am addign it to my bags of tricks!

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