Sunday, December 2, 2012

Looking for an App?

I would like to introduce you to...

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with the task of finding an app?  There are thousands and thousands of education related apps with more added every single day.  I love a good app, but I have a hard time finding what I need.  Honestly, I end up finding a lot more than what I set out for and not always related to my initial search. 

I recently, today as a matter of fact, launched Student Apps for Education for a couple of reasons.  First, I want to share with you apps that I come across.  I love my iPad and searching for new apps.  So, why not share my findings?!?!  Second, I want to provide YOU with a go to source for finding grade appropriate apps (PK-8).  The apps will be categorized by grade level.

As I mentioned Student Apps for Education is just getting started, but I guarantee it will be a continued wealth of resources!   

Hope to see you there!!


Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What an awesome idea! Thanks for starting this:)

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