Monday, August 20, 2012

Common Core Assessments

New school year, new district, and new grade level.  School is back in full force.  Today was day eight, and I could not have asked for a better start!  Pictures of the new homestead are coming soon!

In addition to beginning the year and my daughter's 5th birthday, I have been working hard to finish the ELA Common Core Assessment Pack for 4th grade.  Math has been completed for about a month now, and I really don't think it was as tedious as Language Arts.  I have put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into compiling this resource.  Well, I may not have literally bled, sweated, or cried but you get the point.  It took a lot of time and brain power, but I'm happy to announce it's finished and ready to be put into action!

Below you will find a preview of what is included.  For Math, each standard has a one-page printable assessment.  The English Language Arts Standards are the same except for the standards within Writing and Speaking/Listening.  These standards are better assessed locally through students' writing and teacher observation.  You will not find a printable assessment for these. 

The English Language Arts contain answer keys for each printable assessment.  Unfortunately, I have not included answer keys for Math quite yet, but they are in the making and will be added very soon.  If you purchase them beforehand, you will be notified through TpT when they become available.


When compiling these assessment packs I envisioned using them for common formative assessments.  Please keep in mind that these assessments are simply one type of assessment.  You as the teacher are the best judge of the assessment that should be used in your classroom. 

If you are a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade teacher you can find assessment packs aligned to your grade level by following the links below.  Thanks to The Lesson Plan Diva for starting the 1st grade assessments and allowing me to compile the 4th grade!


Simple Obedience said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh my word! These are amazing! It helps alot to have a sample question to evaluate kids and to better understand the standards.

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